Sharani Foundation Our Vision Rural-Education-colored

Project 01 

Project Name:

Shilai Shikhao: Sewing Training Center for Women


Project Description:

Empowering women through establishing a sewing training center. This project aims to empower women in the suburban community through the provision of sewing machines, training, and support. The project will focus on providing opportunities for women to develop skills and generate income for themselves and their families, which will contribute to reducing poverty and improving the overall socio-economic status of the community. We have already established two different sewing training centers around Chittagong and plan to do more.

Project Goals:

1st Goal:  To provide sewing machines & training to women 

2nd Goal: To enable them to develop skills & generate income and become self-sufficient

3rd Goal: To empower women to improve their standard of living and contribute to poverty reduction.